Victims of Depression Suddenly Started Winning! /Random Thoughts

I saw a retweet on Twitter one day, months ago – and it still haunts me – from a tweeter I wouldn’t recommend following, a more-than-slightly disturbing thought. I quote Bucky Isotope (@BuckyIsotope),

“Over there sits your childhood stuffed animal slowly losing atoms to chaos. Piece by piece he says goodbye. Piece by piece you join him.”

No idea whether he meant his words as a joke or truth, but either way, the concept is horrifying to my mortal mind, who’s sitting here without answers for common questions we all have from time to time…

“Why am I here on this earth?”

“What happens after death?”

“Will I die young or old, and… does it matter because either way I still die.”

In addition, to quote someone else, Hector Berlioz said,

“Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its students.”

Supposed to be funny, yet for people prone to depression, they’re weird and depressing thoughts! In fact, time itself is ultimately depressing and to be honest, I personally don’t know how anyone stays sane when their naturalistic, mortal life is the focus, and not the spiritual, immortal life.

Here, I want to tell you something good: you see, if you change your depth of field (like the way you do in the lens of a camera) and get with Christ, you can be unafraid of all this. Time. Death. Separation anxiety. All this kinda stuff. Nothing about the scientific definition of decay and decomposition, or anything else, has to be depressing anymore! Because there is a verse in the Bible, one singular quote that can fit in a tweet if you get the right version, which I can bet was made to combat that very thought Bucky’s tweet made me (and maybe you, too) think.

“The world is passing away. And everything that people want in the world is passing away. But the person who does what God wants lives forever.” 1 John 2:17 (ICB)

I don’t know if I can get this point across enthusiastically enough, so let me just get it straight to you: the world may be losing atoms to chaos, and our stuffed animals and all of life’s stuff may be saying goodbye with our bodies and desires, but if we do what God wants, we will live beyond the world’s chaos. Sure, the chaos may be slowly sucking our particles into a vortex of ruin, but there is an immortal presence we have, a forever existence, known as our souls, which can follow Jesus Christ into eternity.

…And that’s the moment when I’m like, all victims of depression everywhere suddenly started winning!

Because like, if you’ve got Christ, you can say when you hear dry comments and jokes that turn into depressing thoughts for you later,

“Who cares! I’m beyond that.”

No matter what the problem is, whether it’s about dying, or lying, or bodily pain, or sickness, or bullies and hate speech, or climate change, or college, or breakups, or whatever! You can say, “I don’t care” and mean it! That stuff can roll of your back like it’s no big deal!

I’m not talking about not caring to the point where you don’t work your hardest to live, laugh, and love. What I’m talking about and who I am talking to is victims of depression where like, you care too much, or the questions circulate in your head all day, or some tweet makes you crazy because of who-knows-what-reason, just, it does. Because.

Jesus is the greatest cure for depression we’ll ever find, the best pick-me-up if you’re down and out, or whatever you want to call it – point blank he’s freedom. He makes you free. He loves you and he will overcome for you.

So… the world can have its problems. Meanwhile, we can have Jesus… you with me?

“…Peace. I don’t leave you the way you’re used to being left—feeling abandoned, bereft. So don’t be upset. Don’t be distraught.” -Jesus (John 14:27, The Message)

The Bridge